IBM Verse is now HCL Verse! You're ready for the future. HCL Verse replaces IBM Verse and will continue to work with your existing Traveler servers.
Get ready for mail that understands you, for less clutter and more clarity, for connecting you to the people who matter to you most. Designed for mobile devices, and powered by advanced search, HCL Verse works for you, not the other way around.
With HCL Verse for Android devices, you can:
• See mail from people important to you
• Set people you interact with often as Important
• Mark mail as Needs Action
• Manage items that need follow up
• Track who owes you a response and when
• Work with your calendar seamlessly
• Interact with all of your contacts
This app is compatible with Traveler server versions 9.0.1 and 10.x. To get started, contact your administrator for your account and company configuration information.
If you are an end user and experiencing a problem, please contact your company IT help desk. If you are a Traveler administrator experiencing a problem, please contact HCL Customer support:
For more information about HCL Verse, see:
This app uses the Device Administrator permission.
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IBM Verse现在是HCL Verse!您为未来做好了准备。 HCL Verse取代了IBM Verse,并将继续与您现有的Traveler服务器一起使用。
准备好理解您的邮件,以减少混乱和清晰度,使您与最重要的人联系起来。 HCL Verse专为移动设备设计,并由高级搜索提供支持,可为您工作,而不是相反。
使用适用于Android设备的HCL Verse,您可以:
有关HCL Verse的更多信息,请参见: